UDHAMPUR, AUGUST 08: District administration Udhampur has identified 424 works under Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) for execution in 31 villages having maximum SC population.

PMAGY scheme is meant for empowerment and Socio- economic uplift of Scheduled Castes by filling infrastructural gaps in their habitations.

Under the scheme, Rs 20 lakh are earmarked for each village for development and gap filling in six identified sectors.

The information was given at meeting of District Convergence Committee chaired by District Development Commissioner, Dr. Piyush Singla, who is also project Director of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana(PMAGY).

At the onset, District Social Welfare Officer, Er Sajad Bashir Somberia gave a detailed power point presentation about the progress of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana in the district. He informed that 31 villages in 12 blocks of the District, where SC population is maximum, have been selected for the implementation of PMAGY. He said that need based assessment in consultation with Village Convergence committee headed by Sarpanch of the concerned village have been done and 424 works under designated sectors have been identified for execution in these villages.

The DDC directed the officers of RDD, Social Welfare, Jal Shakti, Health, PWD and other departments to prioritize the works with high outcome and fill the infrastructural gaps in the identified villages. He stressed on early execution of works for sustainable development on the ground. Technical departments were asked to submit the estimates of identified works within week’s times.

Among others the meeting was attended by Assistant District Development Commissioner, Ashok Kumar; Project Officer, ICDS, Attar Chand; Chief Planning Officer, Rajeev Bhushan; SE R&B Shakti Sagar; ACD, Mushtaq Choudhary; PO, IWMP Sapna Kotwal; CMO. Dr K C Dogra; CEO Parshotam Dutt; Xen REW Bashir Sheikh; LDM, all BDOs, officers and technical staff of line departments.