By Murtaza Ali

Rohama, Rafiabad: In a remarkable display of faith and dedication, a 20-year-old girl from Rohama, Rafiabad, Ruqaya Jan has completed the challenging feat of handwriting the entire Quran in just three months.The young woman, who has garnered praise and admiration from her community, sat down for an exclusive interview with Kashmir Crown News, where she shared the profound significance of her achievement.

“I wrote it in three months, and I am incredibly happy to have reached this milestone,” the girl told Kashmir Crown News during the interview.”It really means a lot to me and my family. Writing is something I truly enjoy, and this was a personal journey that I undertook with great dedication.”

Her father, Fayaz Ahmed Mir, expressed his immense pride in his daughter’s accomplishment.”I am very happy that my daughter has made me proud today,” he said. “Daughters are more special than sons. They are more concerned about the care and well-being of their parents, and they bring immense joy and pride to the family.My daughter has set an example for the rest of students.

Fayaz Ahmed Mir spoke on to emphasize the importance of educating children with both Islamic knowledge and worldly education. “I wish all children out there could follow the same path and make their parents proud.

The young girl’s achievement is a result of her dedication to her Aim, but also to the values of discipline that she has cultivated in her household. She revealed that, despite her intense focus on writing Quran, she also managed to balance household works such as dusting, cleaning, and reading.”I was able to manage all the work at home and still dedicate myself to writing the Quran,” she shared.

Her mother, Fehmeeda, also expressed her happiness in her daughter’s achievement. “I have always supported my daughter in whatever she wanted to do, and today, I am proud of her achievement,” she said.”Her hard work and dedication have paid off.

This incredible feat by a young girl from a small village in Rafiabad is an inspiring story of faith, perseverance, and family support. It serves as a reminder of the power of commitment and the importance of both spiritual and worldly knowledge in the younger generation.