Dear Chief Minister: If you really believe in public participation in your governance,then your tweet is wrong which reads to make strong law for those who rape minors.There are so many questions to be asked,what about those who rape mature and other women of age above 12 and 18.Do you feel their punishment should be 1 day in jail and do you give sense that they should be bailed out or their offence should be kept non bailable.Please delete your tweet Incase you are serious to bring this law.How can we make difference between the offence of the rape,no not at all.You should know that rapes are mostly being carried out with girls of above 18 year of age and rape incidents with minors take place very rarely,so the need of an hour is to make a law which will take on culprits heavily. Rapists have no religion and no region and victims age should not become the shield for culprits. So you need to make a law where rapists are hanged,not the law only if you rape minors. This tweet and your statement is actually more towards the recent incident rather than making a general narrative in the society to give a severe punishment to rapists.