Authorities to conduct mass fumigation

BARAMULLA, July 10: Markets in Pattan and in Sopore in north Kashmir will be closed for all business and financial establishment for two days as authorities will conduct mass fumigation in the area.

The order, which was issued by District Magistrate Baramulla, a copy of which lies with Kashmir Despatch reads, “In order to conduct the massive fumigation at markets within the Municipal limits of Sopore town, Pattan town. Singapora, Palhallam and Hyderbeigh, it is here buy ordered that all the shops, commercial, financial establishments/vendors shall remain all on 11th and 12h of July 2020.

“During these two days, Municipal Council Sopore shall conduct fumigation as well as cleaning, sanitation of all the business/financial establishment public places and government offices within Sopore town.

Besides Municipal Committee Pattan in co-ordination with BDO Pattan/Singhpora shall conduct the same in the Pattan town and markets in Singhpora, Palhallan and Hyderbeigh”, the order copy reads.