India on Monday recorded as many as 45,230 fresh coronavirus cases in 24 hours, pushing the overall caseload in the country beyond the 82 lakh-mark. With 496 more fatalities in the last 24 hours, the death toll has moved to 1,22,607.

India’s total Covid-19 cases have surged to 8,229,313 while total active cases stood at 5,61,908 which comprises 6.83 per cent of the total caseload.

However, over 5 lakh people have been infected with the contagion so far, while as many as 75,44,798 people have recuperated from coronavirus, pushing the national recovery rate to 91.68 per cent according to the health ministry figures published 8 am on Monday.

According to the ICMR, a cumulative total of 11,07,43,103 samples have been tested up to November 1 with 8,55,800 samples being tested on Sunday.

With over 82 lakh coronavirus cases, India comes in second place globally, while US is the worst-hit country with the world’s highest number of cases and deaths at 9,199,523 and 230,934, respectively, according to the CSSE.