Received From JKSSB Aspirants.
Respected Sir, we the students belonging to Pahari Speaking Community were granted 4% reservation. The rules and regulations for the same were declared just couple of months ago. Now as we all have applied for the PSP certificates, but only few have received their ones, rest are still waiting for the certificates to be issued. Now as the SSRB has advertised various posts for which we are eligible, but the only hindrance is to mention the *date of issuance* of the category certificate. Sir as the category is granted for the first time and takes a lot of time for various verifications before issuing the PSP certificates by the competent authority. Our category certificates are also under process, we thus request your esteemed self to kindly allow PSP candidates to fill the online forms without mentioning the date of issuance for all the notifications 4, 5 and 6 of SSRB of 2020. We assure your highness that we will produce the same at the time of *document verification* . This will help numerous hard working students to take this opportunity.
Pahari Speaking Candidates of J&K