Adv. Irfan Hafeez Lone, in a statement, appeals all political parties and prominent leaders from Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh to initiate talks with Union Govt. and with main political parties in India and MPs and insists them that dialogue is the only way-out to attain resolutions. He further urged that political parties from J&K must build consensus and make every effort for amicable settlement for J&K and till same is achieved everyone must work together for restoration of rights guaranteed by constituent assembly of India/Constitution. Adv. Lone said that he is too small person but feels duty bound to contribute to this end. Initiating talks with Delhi even if Delhi is reluctant is need of hour and wisdom also demands so. Instead of raising our concerns through media only, it will be more productive to reach them directly.
Irfan Hafeez Lone further said, that in this regard he will try to meet leaders of different political parties/MPs in J&K to discuss the way-forward.