Kupwara : Sahil Bashir Zonal President Jammu and Kashmir Teachers forum zone Villagam expressed dismay over the delay in issuing TG2 and TG3 orders in favour of hundreds of erstwhile SSA teachers and pending cases of those teachers adverse CID Report The JKTF Zonal President leader Sahil Bashir in a statement said that these teachers pass through a difficult period and their families suffer due to financial constraints as they are without salaries from last 15 months. Sahil Bashir said these teachers have submitted all the documentary proof needed for clearing their cases. “But even after making available all the required formalities and certificates, the Directorate has not issued them the Transitional orders, or clear their CID reports resulting in withholding of their salaries .
Mr Sahil Bashir appealed Dr Asgar Samoon Sir Principal Secretary of the UT to have a humanitarian look into the case of these teachers and direct the concerned authorities to release their salaries and cleared their pending issues so that their families will not suffer further on the auspicious occasion of coming Eid-ul Azha.